Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Brain and Behavior Animal Lab 1

Meeting location: GC 009a at 3:00 pm sharp. Note that this room is in the basement of the GC building.
BEFORE the lab: go to this link and download the free Guidelines for ethical conduct in the care and use of non-human animals in research. Read this before Lab #1.
1. lab coat distribution
2. move to SCA007 (Skaggs Bldg) to visit the animal care facility and meet the rats and mice
3. how to safely handle rats and mice
4. humane use and treatment of lab animals - click here
5. review of the elevated plus maze
6. review of the inhibitory avoidance maze
7. test and record maze performance for 6 rats
8. animal care room maintenance responsibilities
9. adjourn
HOMEWORK: watch videos on stereotaxic surgery

Super Stereotaxic - part 3 (see Canvas for the link)