Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Brain and Behavior
Late stuff
Lecture video segment quizzes:
The video segment quizzes are ALWAYS due by 11:59 pm the night before we talk about them in class. You can take them late for a 5% per day penalty regardless of the reason, but then you will not have much to contribute when we dicuss them in class.
Studio class activities:
These activities are completed in class. There is no way to "make them up" if you are absent. However, if you earn enough bonus points, you can use some to drop up to three missed activities.
With each class activity you complete, you will submit a class activity form. You can be late on these. However, there is a 5% per day late fee - regardless of the reason you are late. But don't worry, you can always buy a late fee eraser using bonus points at the end of the semester.
Show and Tell Projects:
If you miss a project work day (see the daily schedule) this will be noted on the project contribution section of the show and tell. Unless you demonstrate that you made meaningful contributions remotely, you will only receive 50% credit for the show and tell (assuming you present at the show and tell).
If you miss a "show and tell" day, there is no way to make this up. You will receive 50% credit for the show and tell. Of course, this assumes you contributed to the "project day".
If you have enough bonus points, you can drop up to two show and tell projects.
Other video quizzes:
You will watch 10 short videos on the gut-brain axis, negative emotions, and social media. These are not the videos I created for the lectures - these a "professional" videos on the topic. If you miss a due date, you can take them late for 5% per day regardless of the reason. If you have enough bonus points, you can use them to drop up to three of these quizzes.