Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Brain and Behavior Animal Lab
Project Presentation

You and your labmates will prepare and record a narrated slide presentation that will be watched by students in the human lab and PSY4510. The presentation should be about 15-20 minutes long. Each of you must contribute equally to the project and the presentation. In turn, you will watch a 15-20 minute presentation that the human lab students will prepare for you.
Presentation Requirements
1. Use a dynamite slide template. Avoid drab colors and be sure to include pictures and clip art. Use a font size that is easy to read (e.g. arial, calibri) and include minimal text on each slide. I encourage you to use photos taken in the lab - as long as you abide by the lab photo policy described in the syllabus.
2. After your title slide, include a background slide. Here you summarize the results of 6 peer-reviewed papers that tested rats and/or mice: 1. the effect of hippocampal lesions on stress, 2. the effect of hippocampal lesions on memory, 3. the effect of diet on the microbiome, 4. the effect of diet/microbiome on social behavior, 5. the effect of diet/microbiome on stress, and 6. the effect of diet/microbiome on pain perception. Note: if you can find a study that tested two or more of these variables, that's great. This will reduce the number of peer-reviewed articles you need.
3. Include an "Our Project" slide to explain what your project was about and what hypotheses were tested.
4. Include the following eight slides:
1. Subjects, Materials, and Procedures for the effect of hippocampal lesions on stress and memory
2. Results of this study
3. Subjects, Materials, and Procedures for the effect of diet/microbiome on social behavior
4. Results of this study
5. Subjects, Materials, and Procedures for the effect of diet/microbiome on pain sensation thresholds
6. Results of this study
7. Subjects, Materials, and Procedures for the effect of diet/microbiome on stressed induced BG responses
8. Results of this study
5. Include a Summary, Limitations, and Future Research slide.
6. Include an APA-formatted "References" slide